Odyssey is a public school of choice within the Bainbridge Island School District. Odyssey offers students a multiage, personalized, non-traditional learning environment where students have a voice. This is a different learning environment than the other district schools with additional parent involvement. Odyssey may not be the right fit for all students due to the level of small groups, independent work and project-based learning.
Enrollment is based on a lottery application process each year. Due to class size and the multiage program, space is limited. Our class sizes are consistent with Bainbridge Island School District class averages. These students are then divided into the multiage 1/2 clusters, the 3/4 clusters, 5/6 clusters and 7/8 clusters. Kindergarten class size is set at 20 students or less. To ensure that spaces are allotted in a fair manner, Odyssey K-8 employs a lottery system for enrollment and siblings have enrollment priority.
Odyssey K-8 is centrally located in the Commodore Options building, but K-6 bus service is only available to students living in the Ordway Elementary boundary. Odyssey 7/8 students can access bus transportation with the 9-12 students, which supports all Bainbridge school zones. Please refer to the transportation page on the BISD website regarding routes and how to contact transportation.
ODYSSEY 5th thru 8th GRADE INFORMATION NIGHT: Tuesday 3/18/2025 @ 6:00pm. Open enrollment is continuing for 5th-8th grades. Email completed application to aschilf@bisd303.org or drop off at the Commodore front office. Applications received for K-4th will go on our waitlist.
Please read our FAQ's.
Please email completed applications to aschilf@bisd303.org or drop off at the Commodore front office.
Odyssey K-8 Enrollment Process:
Internal clarifications:
***Math Placement or advancement is based on student data, Fastbridge screening, SBA results, teacher and parent recommendation, and available space in the advanced classroom.
We are a school of choice, and we believe that there is not one model of school that meets all student learning styles. Families select our programs because they flourish in the small schools’ model of learning. Odyssey is an active parent involved community based on a multiage classroom model. Students will work in small groups, develop independent academic skills, and enjoy the flexibility of a multiage classroom.
Applicants that are non-resident may apply but acceptance is subject to consideration such as educational history and space availability and applicants must complete the Choice Transfer Form. Priority is given to in-district applicants.
Choice schools are open to all students. As a public school within Bainbridge Island School District, Odyssey does not discriminate against students based on race, creed, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a student with a disability.
Choice schools will ask parents/students if a student has an IEP. The IEP describes the services that are needed to support the student. Not all services are available at all schools within the Bainbridge Island School District. The IEP team, which includes the parents, will make any location or change of service decisions. All decisions are made in accordance with federal and state laws, and district procedures.
Parent volunteering and involvement, both inside and outside the classroom, is an integral part of the Odyssey Community and contributes to the exceptional quality of our program. We ask that parents attend monthly parent meetings and volunteer 10 hours (5 hours for single parent) per month. Supporting our students and teachers is a primary role you will play as an Odyssey parent and there are many opportunities to be involved in program activities, policy-making, and financial support.